DENSO explores the latest remanufacturing trends

Proactively addressing the global environmental challenge, DENSO has committed itself to a series of sustainability goals and objectives. This commitment extends to the remanufacture of high-quality products using environmentally friendly methods, demonstrating a deep concern for the well-being of future generations.

In recent years, remanufacturing processes have benefitted from numerous technological advances and innovative practices, driving significant transformation across various sectors, including the automotive industry. As a result, remanufacturing has not only emerged as a sustainable solution that reduces waste, but also one that contributes to the conservation of precious resources and increased cost efficiencies.

Furthermore, remanufacturing plays a pivotal role in the transition towards a circular economy, where products are reused, refurbished and recycled to minimise environmental impact and extend their lifespan, a principle that DENSO wholeheartedly embraces. By doing so, the company is able to deliver high quality products of the same standards as the original component on the vehicle but manufactured in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way. Presently, DENSO is actively advancing the remanufacturing of alternators, starters, diesel products (including injectors and pumps), and hybrid vehicle batteries.

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In addition to putting its environmental principles into practice, remanufacturing empowers consumers to be able to choose a sustainable path because, if these products fail, it presents them with a choice as to whether they replace it with a brand new unit or a remanufactured one.

DENSO has been able to increase the scope of its remanufactured offering in no small part because of technological advances, such as 3D scanning and modelling. These developments have revolutionised the reverse engineering process and, alongside the fact that the company generally manufactures the original equipment (OE) component, it is able to create precise digital replicas, which further contributes to the efficient production of remanufactured components, with minimal deviation from the OEM specifications.

As a result, DENSO is able to not only ensure that its remanufactured components are the same as an OE part in terms of their quality, but also in some circumstances, such as when they are rebuilt according to the latest OE standards compared to a new unit of an old design, the quality can even be higher.

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One of the most significant developments affecting almost every sector is artificial intelligence and this, along with machine learning technology, is also being used to optimise remanufacturing processes and enhance product quality. As a result, DENSO is exploring how these developments can be incorporated into its processes, particularly to assist with sourcing core products to be remanufactured.

Reducing waste has a profoundly positive effect on the environment, and this objective can be achieved through both using sustainable, and recycling, existing material, a policy that is again, a DENSO priority.

As a result, sourcing sustainable materials and utilising environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, and incorporating recycled and bio-based materials to replace conventional raw materials, is built into DENSO’s remanufacturing ethos, because this further reduces the company’s carbon emissions and minimises its environmental footprint, both of which are among its sustainability goals and objectives.

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The results of what DENSO’s philosophy to reuse as much as possible can be measured in the case of its rotating products, which is usually around 80%. This automatically provides great environmental gains, but there are also considerable CO2 reductions in not having to produce every part from scratch. So, the process is considerably more environmentally friendly.

In common with many areas within the automotive industry, digitalisation is also driving efficiency and transparency in remanufacturing operations, enabling real-time monitoring of production processes, inventory management, and supply chain logistics. DENSO is also a member of APRA (Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association) Europe, which is part of its practice to validate the integrity of its remanufactured products and further inspire confidence among its wholesale customers and motorists throughout Europe.

As can be appreciated, the remanufacturing industry is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by several factors, not least being technological advances and sustainability initiatives. For DENSO, this is an ongoing journey and by embracing innovation and adopting circular economy principles, it is always exploring other products, it can add to its remanufactured offering.

One thing is certain however, DENSO’s remanufacturing journey will continue because it is consistent with the company’s sustainability goals and objectives that will define its future and allow it to achieve its zero carbon emission targets and fulfil its environmental responsibilities.

Further details of the DENSO Sustainability initiatives are available online at: